• Taxation watch out issues in Denmark

    When residing in Denmark you are subject to world wide taxation of income. All income including non Danish income must be reported and taxed in Denmark unless a double [...]
  • tax return
    From mid-March 2025, your tax return for 2024 (årsopgørelse) will appear in your tax folder, but if you have any cross border issues, you can be almost certain of one thing: The tax authorities (Skattestyrelsen) does not have all the relevant [...]
  • work remotely
    Many Danish employers can just as well have an employee sitting in Sønderho as Shanghai. A foreign employer can also very easily see its advantages in having an employee living in Denmark. Remotely work in common these days… Perhaps you have [...]
  • preliminary tax assessment
    The Danish preliminary tax assessment is not a static quantity. There may very easily be occasion to change it during the year. The preliminary tax assessment (forskudsopgørelsen) should ideally reflect any changes in your life, as this will make [...]
  • skat af udenlandsk ejendom
    The tax authorities in Denmark are now scrutinizing Danes who have a property abroad, but who have forgotten to provide information about the property on the Danish tax return. Initially, the campaign is aimed at just under 6,000 Danes, who are [...]

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  • The Danish tax system offers tax advantages to individuals who are crossing the Danish border. Many foreigners focus on the high Danish income tax rates but this does not [...]
  •  We offer a range of tax, financial and legal services. Cross border tax advice action plans and completing of tax returns are our largest working area. We also appeal tax [...]